Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana

Earned Media • Grassroots • Social Media • Influencers


In 2018, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana engaged with Bohlsen Group to help create a unified communications plan to help engage audiences with their fundraising campaign, Day of Change. This campaign is done on a global scale to commemorate the opening of the first Ronald McDonald House and encourages consumers to donate their spare change to ensure that they can continue keeping families close when their child needs to heal at a local area hospital.

Bohlsen Group’s plan included strategic messaging for different audiences, earned media, social media and influencer engagement in order to communicate that the fundraiser was not only available in physical McDonald’s restaurants but also online. Bohlsen Group developed an influencer campaign targeted at local media personalities. Each influencer was given a messaging package, a pair of Ronald McDonald’s iconic striped socks and a request to use the campaign’s hashtag, #SockitforRMHC.


 As a result of the mix of digital tactics and earned media outreach, the #SockitforRMHC hashtag was used over 170 times over the course of the two week campaign and led to over 1.3 million impressions. The fundraising campaign met and exceeded its funding goal and led to a new fundraising sales opportunity through the use of Ronald McDonald’s striped socks based on the attention and engagement they drew. 


Indiana Tourism Influencer Campaign
