
Earned Media • Campaign Development • Paid Media • Influencers • Social Media


To celebrate the brand launch and the organization’s 80th anniversary, Easterseals Crossroads engaged Bohlsen Group to introduce the new look to the community and to increase awareness of the organization locally through a creative, multi-channel campaign positioning Easterseals Crossroads as the #1 expert on disability in the community in the fall of 2016.

Leveraging the nonprofit’s new branding and logo, Bohlsen Group created a unified, multichannel campaign with a small production and placement budget. The campaign was launched with a series of outdoor boards around the city, executed in three phases to pique public interest.

Bohlsen Group developed a plan to take the brand to the street with an interactive mobile board that gave Easterseals Crossroads a fresh way to get the public to help “cut the dis” out of disability and engage with the brand.

Bohlsen Group also created video collateral from the street team days and a mirroring social media challenge, #CutTheDis. We selected three high-traffic downtown locations—Monument Circle, City Market, and the Indianapolis Arts Garden—for the interactive display board and installation. Other tactics that were executed included radio, influencers, and organic social.



 This strategy led to over 3.5 million earned media impressions and almost 7.3 million paid media impressions.


American College Of Sports Medicine

